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Monday, July 29, 2024

The Racist Rodeo 2024 begins ~ where is Cory Clark?

Well it's funny how the ISIR page for the 2024 Racist Rodeo (the annual convention of the International Society for Race Pseudoscience Intelligence Research) doesn't mention Cory Clark. 

Back in January Thomas Coyle - a fan of hardcore racist Russell T. Warne - shared a poster that lists Clark. Apparently she's receiving a "most racist" award and no, that's not hyperbole. Other recipients of the "Constance Holden Award" include Toby Young, Alice Dreger, and Susan Pinker (Steven's sister.)

I didn't see Coyle's post until today though. In my defense, this and most of the info about the League of Professional Racists can be found on Twitter and I hate to go on Twitter, since techno-fascist Trump-boy Elon Musk has made it an absolute dump and it's painful to spend any time there - even besides the tweets from the race pseudoscience gang.

Cory Clark teamed up with neo-Nazi Bo Winegard to write the usual right-wing garbage for racist Quillette.

Clark also co-authored a paper which seems to be the race pseudoscience gang's attempt to revive the use of the term "equalitarian" a favorite of 20th century segregationists.

So of course Steven Pinker is a fan. I don't think Steven Pinker has ever met a racist he doesn't like.

Speaking of hardcore racists, I'm told by my informant that a post by RiotIQ, an account owned by Warne, shows both Anatoly Karlin and Emil Kirkegaard at an ISIR event this year.

The ISIR conference truly is where the hardest of the hard-core racists meet.

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