I find it funny that the same media outlet, The Good Men Project, that
promoted the career of Robin DiAngelo nine years ago is now promoting
the career of Steven Pinker.
Although Pinker and DiAngelo do have one thing in common - both believe in ethnic essentialism.
But while Pinker aligns with the race pseudoscience organization International Society for Intelligence Research, DiAngelo is the freelance purveyor of the belief that "white" people (however DiAngelo defines white, she's never been clear about that) are all born to be hopeless racists. Unless they spend thousands to take DiAngelo's seminars where they may be absolved of their original sin.
Pinker likes to spend his time with racist grifter Michael Shermer who, unlike Pinker, is a blatant admirer of the racist charlatan J. Phillip Rushton. Pinker is too much of a weasel to admit his real beliefs, although the fact that he spends so much of his time hobnobbing with racists is a give-away.
Pinker is still a subscriber on Twitter/X to professional racist Richard Hanania. The image above was captured today.
So Pinker, who recently turned 70 (I wonder if he considers himself old now, instead of middle-aged as he did a year ago), shares his diagnosis for what is wrong with the kids these days. Surprise surprise, it is what every right-wing reactionary grifting ghoul has been saying for at least five years: wokeness.
Robert Conquest, the historian, is sometimes credited with a law that states that any institution that is not constitutionally right-wing becomes left-wing. You can see the drift that has happened to many institutions recently. They have not become left-wing in the economic quasi-Marxist sense but “woke” in the sense of identitarian politics, seeing culture and history as a zero-sum struggle among racial and sexual groups. A kind of intolerant identitarian politics has captured several societies with well-defined intellectual goals. It has happened to the ACLU, the American Humanist Association, and Planned Parenthood.
On top of being entirely predictable and annoying Pinker is such a hypocrite. Pinker supports people like Michael Shermer, Richard Hanania and Linda Gottfredson, who indisputably believe that culture and history is a zero-sum struggle among racial and sexual groups. They believe human society is a genetically-determined hierarchy of intelligence with white men at the top. Although to be fair, sometimes race pseudoscience mongers claim East Asians are on top, depending on which pseudoscience monger you're talking to. Although even if they believe that East Asians are the most intelligent, you can still find them barking about the superiority of Western Civilization™.
And then sometimes they declare Jews to be separate from whites while claiming Jews are on top (per the never-tested, far-fetched Natural History of Ashkenazi Intelligence hypothesis.)
This is not hyperbole - Gottfredson can be heard literally ranking races by intelligence with Stefan Molyneux in 2016. If Pinker has ever spoken out against Gottfredson, I've never found any evidence of it. There's far more evidence of Pinker defending Gottfredson, as he did in 2018.
You can be sure that Pinker's interviewer, Scott Douglas Jacobsen, does not ask Pinker about his support for Hanania or Steve Sailer or other racists, since Jacobsen can be found in 2022 promoting right-wing racist hereditarian trash rags Areo and Quillette as "freedom of speech" publications.
Just the kind of lazy quasi-journalist who serves Pinker's interests the best.