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Wednesday, September 25, 2024

Schadenfreudefest with Some More News

Do not have any foods or liquids in your mouth when you watch this. I am still cleaning the coffee off my computer screen from sudden uncontrollable explosive laughter.

Individuals engaged in intellectual dark webbery, grifting and stochastic terrorism that are mentioned in this episode of Some More News, Some Grifters Who Finally Faced Consequences, include:
    • George Santos
    • Tim Poole
    • Dave Rubin (named member of the IDW!)
    • Benny Johnson 
    • Alex Jones
    • James O'Keefe 
    • J. K. Rowling
    • Elon Musk
    • Jacob Wohl
    • Jack Burkman
    • Milo Yiannopolous
    • Shaun King
    • Andy Ngo
    • Ali Alexander
    • Sydney Powell
    • Rudy Guiliani
    • Trump
Dave Rubin from the glory days of the Intellectual Dark Web, from Bari Weiss' infamous article. Has it already been six and a half years?

Sunday, September 22, 2024

70-year-old reactionary has thoughts about the kids these days

I find it funny that the same media outlet, The Good Men Project, that promoted the career of Robin DiAngelo nine years ago is now promoting the career of Steven Pinker

Although Pinker and DiAngelo do have one thing in common - both believe in ethnic essentialism. 

But while Pinker aligns with the race pseudoscience organization International Society for Intelligence Research, DiAngelo is the freelance purveyor of the belief that "white" people (however DiAngelo defines white, she's never been clear about that) are all born to be hopeless racists. Unless they spend thousands to take DiAngelo's seminars where they may be absolved of their original sin.

Pinker likes to spend his time with racist grifter Michael Shermer who, unlike Pinker, is a blatant admirer of the racist charlatan J. Phillip Rushton. Pinker is too much of a weasel to admit his real beliefs, although the fact that he spends so much of his time hobnobbing with racists is a give-away.

Pinker is still a subscriber on Twitter/X to professional racist Richard Hanania. The image above was captured today.

So Pinker, who recently turned 70 (I wonder if he considers himself old now, instead of middle-aged as he did a year ago), shares his diagnosis for what is wrong with the kids these days. Surprise surprise, it is what every right-wing reactionary grifting ghoul has been saying for at least five years: wokeness.

Robert Conquest, the historian, is sometimes credited with a law that states that any institution that is not constitutionally right-wing becomes left-wing. You can see the drift that has happened to many institutions recently. They have not become left-wing in the economic quasi-Marxist sense but “woke” in the sense of identitarian politics, seeing culture and history as a zero-sum struggle among racial and sexual groups. A kind of intolerant identitarian politics has captured several societies with well-defined intellectual goals. It has happened to the ACLU, the American Humanist Association, and Planned Parenthood.

On top of being entirely predictable and annoying Pinker is such a hypocrite. Pinker supports people like Michael Shermer, Richard Hanania and Linda Gottfredson, who indisputably believe that culture and history is a zero-sum struggle among racial and sexual groups. They believe human society is a genetically-determined hierarchy of intelligence with white men at the top. Although to be fair, sometimes race pseudoscience mongers claim East Asians are on top, depending on which pseudoscience monger you're talking to.  Although even if they believe that East Asians are the most intelligent, you can still find them barking about the superiority of Western Civilization™. 

And then sometimes they declare Jews to be separate from whites while claiming Jews are on top (per the never-tested, far-fetched Natural History of Ashkenazi Intelligence hypothesis.) 

This is not hyperbole - Gottfredson can be heard literally ranking races by intelligence with Stefan Molyneux in 2016. If Pinker has ever spoken out against Gottfredson, I've never found any evidence of it. There's far more evidence of Pinker defending Gottfredson, as he did in 2018.

You can be sure that Pinker's interviewer, Scott Douglas Jacobsen, does not ask Pinker about his support for Hanania or Steve Sailer or other racists, since Jacobsen can be found in 2022 promoting right-wing racist hereditarian trash rags Areo and Quillette as "freedom of speech" publications. 

Just the kind of lazy quasi-journalist who serves Pinker's interests the best.

Sunday, September 1, 2024

International Society for Intelligence Research is a Nazi bar

Helmut Nyborg and Emil Kirkegaard, and their
tacky fashion-sense, standing in what I assume is
Nyborg's home, thanks to the sports poster
in the background

Although the International Society for Intelligence Research (ISIR) likes to imagine it appears respectable, by inviting some real science researchers to its conferences and publishing some real science in its journal "Intelligence," the organization displays its Nazi and segregationist/anti-Black heritage by continuing to platform hardcore, racist extremists.

Allowing Emil Kirkegaard to participate in its 2024 conference, after briefly exiling him for two years, is a dead give-away.

Kirkegaard is also part of the right-wing extremist neo-Nazi Scandza Forum gang. 

The organization has apparently been renamed "Guide to Kulcher." According to its website,  that name "...is from a book by American author Ezra Pound." 

Pound, although known as a poet, was a Nazi collaborator and traitor to the United States of America. He avoided the firing squad he so richly deserved thanks to his influential friends.

The Scandza Forum was modeled on the London Forum, described by Greg Johnson as “the most important Rightist metapolitical organization in the UK and the model for the New York Forum, the Northwest Forum, the Scandza Forum, and similar events all over the white world.” [xi] 
London Forum founder Jeremy “Jez” Bedford-Turner was found guilty of inciting racial hatred in May 2018 after having called for his “soldiers” to liberate England from “Jewish control” in 2015. Under cross examination Bedford-Turner admitted that he wanted all Jews to exit the UK.[xii] Attendees at a 2017 London Forum included Holocaust denier David Irving, assorted anti-Semites, and an individual that declared the 2016 murder of British MP Jo Cox by “Britain First” advocate Tommy Mair to be “cheery news.” Also present was Ian Millard, an attorney banned from the bar in November 2014 after tweeting, among other things, “National Socialist Germany 1933-1945. Its flaws were few, its achievements many. Don’t believe Jewish-Zionist lies.”[xiii] 
In keeping with such origins, and Greg Johnson’s views on Hitler, it is unsurprising that the Scandza Forum appears to have a swastika embedded in its logo.

With some 50 to 150 attendees reported at permutations of the Scandza Forum, the event brings together racists from across Europe and the U.S., offers up live music and undertakes strenuous efforts to screen attendees. To date forums have been held in Oslo, Copenhagen and Stockholm, Sweden. Greg Johnson describes that, “The primary importance of events like the Scandza Forum is to encourage face-to-face community and networking…The real gain is meeting old friends and making new ones for socializing, brainstorming, and launching new initiatives.”[xiv]
Being anti-Black is built into ISIR's ethos, in spite of its very occasional Black participants, thanks to its association with people like Linda Gottfredson and, before they died, Arthur Jensen and J. P. Rushton. But it wasn't notably big on anti-Semitism. I assume that's because, in part, some influential promoters of race pseudoscience like "celebrity intellectual" Steven Pinker are Jewish. 

But now ISIR has harkened back to its Pioneer Fund/Wycliff Draper legacy thanks to some ISIR conference participants' alliance with Scandza Forum/Guide to Kulchur.

Emil Kirkegaard hasn't given presentations at Scandza/GTK conferences as far as I have found, but he's certainly attended them, as shown in the photo from the 2023 conference below. With him are Helmut Nyborg and Edward Dutton, who did speak at the conference. 

Nyborg has by my count participated in 13 out of 23 ISIR conferences, the most recent in 2022. He's a big fan of ISIR's ur-racists Rushton and Jensen. He's published in ultra-racist Mankind Quarterly. He's appeared at an American Renaissance conference

Dutton has not participated in ISIR conferences although he has attended at least once, last year - proudly announced by the far-right racist Aporia Magazine ghouls. More importantly, Dutton has been published in "Intelligence" the journal of the ISIR, many times.

Infamous anti-Semite Kevin MacDonald, who participated in at least three ISIR conferences, has also participated in at least one Scandza/GTK conference. 

So - is it really so bad that the ISIR allows neo-Nazis to participate in its conferences? 

I was at a shitty crustpunk bar once getting an after-work beer. One of those shitholes where the bartenders clearly hate you. So the bartender and I were ignoring one another when someone sits next to me and he immediately says, "no. get out."

And the dude next to me says, "hey i'm not doing anything, i'm a paying customer." and the bartender reaches under the counter for a bat or something and says, "out. now." and the dude leaves, kind of yelling. And he was dressed in a punk uniform, I noticed

Anyway, I asked what that was about and the bartender was like, "you didn't see his vest but it was all nazi shit. Iron crosses and stuff. You get to recognize them."

And i was like, oh ok and he continues.

"you have to nip it in the bud immediately. These guys come in and it's always a nice, polite one. And you serve them because you don't want to cause a scene. And then they become a regular and after awhile they bring a friend. And that dude is cool too.

And then THEY bring friends and the friends bring friends and they stop being cool and then you realize, oh shit, this is a Nazi bar now. And it's too late because they're entrenched and if you try to kick them out, they cause a PROBLEM. So you have to shut them down.

And i was like, 'oh damn.' and he said "yeah, you have to ignore their reasonable arguments because their end goal is to be terrible, awful people." And then he went back to ignoring me. But I haven't forgotten that at all.

The ISIR doesn't appear to have any intentions to shut its own Nazi infestation down - in fact they seem to be encouraging it.

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