The Guardian ran an article recently about people and organizations Pinkerite has blogged about. Thanks to Oliver for the heads-up. The article is
Revealed: International ‘race science’ network secretly funded by US tech boss.
The tech boss is a guy I'd heard of but forgotten, Andrew Conru:
HDF received more than $1m from Andrew Conru, a Seattle businessman who made his fortune from dating websites, the recordings reveal. After being approached by the Guardian, Conru pulled his support, saying the group appeared to have deviated from its original mission of “non-partisan academic research”.
The HDF is the
Human Diversity Foundation apparently now partially funded on the remains of the infamous Pioneer Fund. The name recalls Steve Sailer's old
Human Biodiversity Institute.
HDF’s owner, Emil Kirkegaard, has made similar comments about “remigration”, saying of families settled for two or three generations: “I generally support policies that pay them to leave.”
Kirkegaard, who also appears to use the name William Engman, is an author of more than 40 papers published by Mankind Quarterly, a British race science journal established in the 1960s.
Emil Kirkegaard says HDF ‘is not involved in politics’.
Originally from Denmark and now living in Germany, he heads what Frost described as an “underground research wing” for HDF consisting of about 10 hobby researchers and academics.
Ongoing HDF projects, discussed in a video call between the group last year that was led by Kirkegaard, included studies into “international dysgenics”, whether dating apps alter human breeding, whether people with progressive opinions are mentally ill or whether Wikipedia editors are too leftwing.
The Guardian article is based on an article by Hope Not Hate,
Race Science Inc. published a few days ago.
And it is a hum-dinger.
The article:
The Scandza Forum is one of the most important events in the far-right calendar. Hosted by Fróði Midjord, a Scandinavian neo-Nazi, it is a conference of extremist intellectuals who gather for lectures on white nationalism, race science, and World War II revisionism. In May 2023, the Scandza Forum was held for the first time since the COVID-19 pandemic at the Von Stackelberg Hotel in Tallinn, Estonia, attracting more than 100 far-right activists from across the western world.
Among the guests was an undercover reporter for HOPE not hate.
At the conference, our infiltrator met a man who introduced himself as Matthew Archer, although we now know his real name is Matthew Frost.
Frost said he was the founder of Aporia, a website running stories on “HBD”, or human biodiversity. This is the belief that there are meaningful and measurable differences between different “races”, especially in terms of intelligence. It is, in essence, the misuse of science to promote racist ideology.
According to the article, Aporia is part of the HDF’s organisation, as is a scientific racism research team.
Aporia is the racist Substack account. I'm waiting on Jonathan Katz to talk about Aporia one of these days since he wrote about other Nazis happily making bank at the racism-friendly Substack.
Aporia has a direct connection to German Nazis:
The third senior figure of HDF is Erik Ahrens, a social media advisor in Alternative für Deutschland (AfD), the far-right German party. He is an advocate of white nationalism, and appeared at the AfD’s Potsdam conference in November 2023, at which party leaders discussed deporting German citizens of foreign descent.
The Hope article includes images from the slide presentation given for the HDF's ghouls. You can see the org chart here. That's Kirkegaard in the bottom square to the right of the org chart.
Just to give the HDF some historical context, I created my own org chart, based on info from the Hope Not Hate article and elsewhere.
It's funny, in the article Kirkegaard is shown as being so happy about meeting Peter Thiel. Kirkegaard is on the record as saying that homosexuality is a mental illness. He surely must know that
Peter Thiel is proud to be gay.
I guess money changes everything.
And as usual it comes back to
the Nazi Bar known as the International Society for Intelligence Research (ISIR). Many of those connected to Aporia are associated with or
attended meetings of ISIR including Kirkegaard, Charles Murray, Helmut Nyborg, Jonathan Anomaly, Curtis Dunkel, David Piffer, Bryan Pesta, James Thompson, Russell T. Warne, Razib Khan, Gregory Clark, Garette Jones, Jonatan Pallesen, Toby Young and of course ISIR bigwig Richard Haier.
Kirkegaard is an essential player in the right-wing billionaire-funded racist/neo-Nazi/fascist network.