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Sunday, December 8, 2024

Pinkerite is a member of the elite now

Plutocrat bootlicker Jesse Singal is one of the top accounts blocked by other accounts on Bluesky, along with Brianna Wu.

Here they are both at Bari Weiss's Free Press election party, along with other grifters and ghouls like Coleman Hughes, Michael Shellenberger and Nellie Bowles.
The reason Wu is part of the IDW/Quillette/Free Press gang of grifters and booklickers is very likely because she was offered a sweet deal to work for them and couldn't resist. After all, Bari Weiss has connections to both Peter Thiel and Harlan Crow, and other insanely fascistic billionaires who are eager to spend their money on the future, Mr. Gittes, the future!

It's a classic right-wing move to hire a member of any group the right wishes to attack, so they can say "see, even one of THEM hates liberals and the left." That's why Coleman Hughes is part of this gang of race pseudoscience promoters, and why anti-feminists Cathy Young and Christina Hoff Sommers have careers at all. Now the gang has Brianna Wu to promote anti-trans views along with the likes of Jesse Singal.

Singal blocked my Pinkerite account, but I can still view his skeets via a Bluesky-affiliated website called Clearsky, which is also where I got the blocking statistics. I'm also blocked by Claire Lehmann and Razib Khan. But I can see their skeets on Clearsky too.

You can get an idea of how tight-knit the gang of bootlickers is by how fast Claire Lehmann and Razib Khan, both promoters of race pseudoscience beliefs - or as Lehmann prefers, "hereditarian" beliefs - jumped in to support Jesse Singal.

But also thanks to Clearsky, I've discovered I'm a member of the elite now. Razib Khan has blocked only a few Bluesky accounts: my two accounts and accounts for Jamelle Bouie and Molly Jong-Fast. And another person I wasn't familiar with, Erin Reed - but if she's blocked by Razib Khan, she must be good.

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