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Monday, August 12, 2019

Theft and the African American failure to thrive

Pinkerite has pointed out that there have been many incidents of "race rioting" that resulted in the loss of wealth of African Americans, from outright murder to driving blacks out of towns and stealing their property.

But there's even more to the story as The Atlantic explains.
Owners of small farms everywhere, black and white alike, have long been buffeted by larger economic forces. But what happened to black landowners in the South, and particularly in the Delta, is distinct, and was propelled not only by economic change but also by white racism and local white power. A war waged by deed of title has dispossessed 98 percent of black agricultural landowners in America. They have lost 12 million acres over the past century. But even that statement falsely consigns the losses to long-ago history. In fact, the losses mostly occurred within living memory, from the 1950s onward. Today, except for a handful of farmers like the Scotts who have been able to keep or get back some land, black people in this most productive corner of the Deep South own almost nothing of the bounty under their feet.
This is exactly the kind of history that race science promoters like Sam Harris want to ignore - if not erase completely - in order to claim that the African American failure to thrive is due to genetics. As Harris said in his debate with Ezra Klein:

...Yeah, I strongly disagree, and I disagree because of American history. That is why my fundamental criticism of that conversation was that you needed to deal more with the history of this conversation and the history of this country. 
Okay, but even in this conversation you are unwilling to differentiate scientific fact and scientific data and reasonable extrapolations based on data, from past injustices in American history, these are totally separate things —

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