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The Brian Ferguson Interview

Thursday, January 30, 2025

The triumph of race pseudoscience in the Trump administration

Well the Intellectual Dark Web gang of race pseudoscience promoters must be thrilled with Robert F. Kennedy Jr. as nominee for Secretary of Health and Human Services. He can be seen during his hearing promoting race pseudoscience.

TRANSCRIPT (lightly edited):

…you said the following and I quote: “we should not be giving Black people the same vaccine schedule that’s given to whites because their immune system is better than ours.”

Can you please explain what you meant? 


There are areas of studies, I think, most of them, by uh Poland um that show that the particular antigens that Blacks have a much stronger reaction… there’s differences in reactions to different products by different races…  


So I have 17 seconds left. Let me just ask you then. What different vaccine schedule should I have received?


I mean uh the Poland article suggests that that Blacks need fewer antigens than -


Mr. Kennedy with all due respect that is dangerous.


...this is science, this is published peer-reviewed science.”

The reference to Poland is Dr. Gregory Poland, and Kennedy completely misrepresented the finding in a 2014 film, discussed here by NPR in An Anti-Vaccine Film Targeted To Black Americans Spreads False Information (my highlight):

The film also brings up a 2014 study from the Mayo Clinic that showed Somali Americans and African Americans have a more robust immune response to the rubella vaccine than Caucasians and Hispanic Americans. One of those interviewed in Kennedy's film then asks, "So if you have that process that could be caused by vaccines, why wouldn't there be a link between vaccines and developmental delays?" 
But the study's own author and leading vaccine researcher, Dr. Gregory Poland, says this conjecture is not accurate. 
According to a statement provided to NPR by the Mayo Clinic, the study demonstrated "higher protective immune responses in African-American subjects with no evidence of increased vaccine side effects" and that any claim of " 'increased vulnerability' among African-Americans who receive the rubella vaccine is simply not supported by either this study or the science."

Now Steven Pinker doesn't like Kennedy, but other IDWers like crackpot Bret "Game Theory" Weinstein LOVES KENNEDY and so does IDW-namer crackpot Eric Weinstein, Peter Thiel's personal bootlicker.

But don't worry about Pinker, he still loves racists. Here he can be seen promoting, yet again, the career of racist ghoul Razib Khan.

And Pinker is not at all embarrassed to tell the world he has a connection to the racist/neo-Nazi Aporia Magazine. He can be seen on Twitter using his "celebrity intellectual" status to help legitimize the Emil Kirkegaard-controlled organization, just as he does with racist garbage rag Quillette.

Providing yet more evidence that I was absolutely right to include Pinker in my EMIL KIRKEGAARD'S RACE PSEUDOSCIENCE AND NAZI NETWORK diagram.

Oh and Razib Khan hates New York Times columnist Jamelle Bouie. I notice he didn't post this on Bluesky. Only on Elmo's racist cesspit.

Now Khan is infamous for his racist views but never forget that he also hates trans people. More about that in the next post.

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