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This is a poster, not the program |
This year they have not. Why? We already know that the odious racist Neo-Nazi Emil Kirkegaard participated in 2024. And another member of the racist/ neo-Nazi Aporia gang, Cory Clark gave a presentation that ISIR liked enough to include on the conference page for 2024.
Clark has co-authored with neo-Nazi Aporia editor Bo Winegard, including in Quillette, and has appeared on the Aporia podcast. Her race pseudoscience credentials are rock solid.
Curiously, although Clark is not ashamed to admit, on her Twitter timeline to collaborating with the usual gang of evolutionary psychology dummies, race pseudoscience ghouls and political reactionary grifters including Jesse Singal, Lee Jussim, Jerry Coyne, Carol Hooven, Diana S. Fleischman and Greg Lukianoff, she doesn't mention the ISIR conference at all, in spite of ISIR apparently finding her important enough to highlight.
It doesn't seem possible ISIR could have included anybody more extreme than Clark and Kirkegaard. But the fact that ISIR has declined to publish its program makes me wonder.
To a certain extent, ISIR is finally getting the reputation for racist extremism it deserves. In a Bluesky skeet attacking this blog (before I had a Bluesky account) Eric Turkheimer wrote: "I have no sympathy with ISIR-- broke off all relations a few years ago."
(I got into it with Turkheimer, once I finally had an account and could defend myself and he quit the discussion quickly and without responding to my points in self-defense.)
Turkheimer's problem with me is mainly for pointing out how chummy his pal Kathryn Paige Harden is with Razib Khan. As always with those who seek to defend promoters of hereditarianism from little ole me, there is the charge of "guilt by association."
Sorry Turkheimer, the fact is that not only does Razib Khan consider Harden a friend, Harden has promoted his career (after any reasonably well-informed person knew Khan got the sack from the NYTimes for his racist career) offering, via tweet, to "get you on camera as our 'Expert in the Chair'."
And finally Harden acknowledged Khan in her much-promoted "Genetic Lottery" book, in fact in the same paragraph as Turkheimer.
Harden has also appeared at ISIR conferences, but not recently.
Speaking of behavioral genetics, I recently discovered the work of psychologist Jay Joseph and his paper, co-authored with Ken Richardson called The Bell Curve at 30: A Closer Look at the Within- and Between-Group IQ Genetic Evidence that absolutely trashes the "twins studies" that are the very foundation of all branches of modern sociobiology, including behavioral genetics. It is a joy to read. More in a future post.
Meanwhile changes are afoot at the ISIR publication "Intelligence" - Richard Haier is out as editor-in-chief. But I don't know if Haier was found to be too racist, or not racist enough. Or something else.
It doesn't seem like ISIR has any motivation to change its racist ways, especially with Trump and race pseudoscience politically ascendant these days, and all that racist plutocrat money slopping around. And the ISIR was founded to promote the race pseudoscience of The Bell Curve and Arthur Jensen.
At least ISIR published a poster for the 2024 conference, so along with eyewitness reports from the conference we know the following participated:
- Camilla Benbow
- Stephen Ceci
- Cory Clark
- Richard Haier
- Wendy Johnson
- Emil Kirkegaard
- Matt McGue
- Brook Macnamara
- Klaus Oberauer
- Franzis Preckel
- Elsbeth Stern
- Sophie von Stumm
- Wendy Williams