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I admit I LOL'd at the part about lighting up "like a Christmas tree." WATCH AND LEARN all IDWs! (If you get that annoying...

The Brian Ferguson Interview

Tuesday, October 17, 2023

Rightwingers handing out awards to their wingnut welfare pals

 Oh look an organization funded by rightwing ghouls is giving Carole Hooven, wingnut welfare recipient, and proud fan of the ghoulish "Gender Wars" playing cards, an award:

Carole Hooven, associate in the lab of Steven Pinker and nonresident senior fellow at the American Enterprise Institute, has been recognized as a Hero of Intellectual Freedom by the American Council of Trustees and Alumni (ACTA). ACTA’s Hero of Intellectual Freedom award honors individuals who have bravely defended viewpoint diversity and free expression in higher education.

I had never heard of American Council of Trustees and Alumni but since they were honoring Steven Pinker's protegee, I suspected it was a pack of wing nuts. And sure enough:

ACTA is a non-profit organization and is funded by grants from foundations and gifts from individuals. Foundations that have donated to ACTA include the Lynde and Harry Bradley Foundation,[8] the John M. Olin Foundation and the Lumina Foundation for Education.[9]

According to the ACTA website, they apparently only give awards to rightwingers:

She joins a distinguished group of Heroes of Intellectual Freedom from previous years, including Professor Erec Smith of York College of Pennsylvania (2022), Professor Dorian Abbot of the University of Chicago (2021), and Joshua Katz, formerly of Princeton University (2020).

Erec Smith - Koch employee

Dorian Abbot - University of Austin goon

Joshua Katz - serial student harasser and participant in Peter Thiel's CPAC for racists

You will never go broke if you're willing to be a mouthpiece for rightwing racist plutocrats.

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