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Wednesday, December 20, 2023

Is Emil Kirkegaard taking refuge from the law in DAS LANDHAUS ADLON?

According to Oliver Smith, who is trying to collect money from Kirkegaard for a legal judgement, Kirkegaard had fled, address unknown.

Nach Recherchen von ZEIT ONLINE ist Mathilda Huss eng in der rechtsextremen Szene vernetzt. In Potsdam betreibt die Unternehmerin zusammen mit ihrem Partner bereits ein Hotel, auf dem gleichen Gelände befindet sich auch ihre private Villa. Auf diesem weitläufigen Areal sollen sich in den vergangenen Jahren Politiker der AfD und Funktionäre der AfD-Jugendorganisation Junge Alternative, die WerteUnion oder die rechte Friedrich A. von Hayek-Gesellschaft getroffen haben. Seit drei Jahren unterstützt Huss zudem den extrem rechten Dänen Emil Kirkegaard, der auch auf dem Gelände des Landhaus Adlon genannten Gästehaus am Lehnitzsee lebt.
Or, per Google translate:
According to research by ZEIT ONLINE, Mathilda Huss is closely connected to the right-wing extremist scene. The entrepreneur already runs a hotel with her partner in Potsdam, and her private villa is also located on the same site. AfD politicians and officials from the AfD youth organization Junge Alternative, the Values Union and the right-wing Friedrich A. von Hayek Society are said to have met on this extensive area in recent years. For three years, Huss has also been supporting the extreme right-wing Dane Emil Kirkegaard, who also lives on the premises of the guesthouse on Lehnitzsee called Landhaus Adlon.
According to Google Translate's version of the Landhaus website:
The guest house on Lehnitzsee is your new refuge to discover the residential city of Potsdam and the Berlin area. We are bringing the tradition of the historic Adlon country house back to life and bringing back the ambience of the 1920s to Potsdam. Selected guests from the Adlon hotelier dynasty stayed in our hotel in a thoroughly dignified setting. Today, use our country house as a starting point to soak up the world-famous cultural and lake landscape around Potsdam.
With racist weirdo Emil Kirkegaard taking refuge there, I'd say it has more of the ambience of the 1930s, specifically 1933.

Huss can be found on this German website, aligning with the far-right AfD in opposition to a mosque in Potsdam:

What's new since Friday is that there are protests against prayer again. The right-wing populist AfD had placed an information stand on the footpath opposite the biosphere. The motto: “Islam does not belong to Germany.” The economics advisor in the AfD parliamentary group, Steffen Kotré, said that the reason for the stand was the fact that the city incurs 1,500 euros in costs per prayer. “As a taxpayer, I don’t want to spend that,” said Mathilda Huss, owner of the well-known Villa Adlon in Neu Fahrland, who supported the AfD stand. Kotré added that the Islamic association had to provide its own premises.

The AfD is Alternative für Deutschland ("Alternative for Germany") a German far-right political party, so you just know there's going to be a connection to Nazis:
Over time, a focus on German nationalism, on reclaiming Germany's sovereignty and national pride, especially in repudiation of Germany's culture of shame with regard to its Nazi past, became more central in AfD's ideology and a central plank in its populist appeals.[22][23][24] Petry, who led the moderate wing of the party, said that Germany should reclaim völkisch from its Nazi connotations,[167] while Björn Höcke, who is an example of the more right-wing or national conservative ideology, regularly speaks of the Vaterland ("father land") and Volk ("nation" or "people", but with a strong ethnic or racial connotation).[22]

In January 2017, Höcke in a speech stated, in reference to the Berlin Holocaust Memorial, that "Germans are the only people in the world who plant a monument of shame in the heart of the capital" and criticized this "laughable policy of coming to terms with the past".[168][169] Höcke continued that Germany should make a "180 degree" turn with regard to its sense of national pride.[22]

According to German Wikipedia:

The Villa Adlon is an upper-class villa built in 1925 in the neo-baroque style in the Neu Fahrland district of Potsdam on Lehnitzsee (address: Am Lehnitzsee 1) and has been a listed building since 1994.[1]

The villa was built on behalf of the hotelier Louis Adlon. The complex consists of a single-storey central main building, a cavalier house and a boathouse on a 5100 square meter plot.[2]

After Adlon's death in 1945, the villa briefly served as accommodation for Soviet naval personnel during the Potsdam Conference. In the GDR it was used as a children's clinic and later as a school for civil defense. After 1989, the State Academy for Public Administration of the State of Brandenburg used the complex until it moved out in 2008.[3][1]

The property had since been transferred back to the Adlon heirs. The villa was sold in 2011.[4]

The villa was used for exterior shots for the third season of Babylon Berlin.

Thanks to Oliver Smith for the alert. 

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