James Lindsay, author at Quillette of "
Why No One Cares About Feminist Theory" cares very much about the people who care about feminist theory - the kind of theory discussed in the publications that he and his IDW-adjacent colleagues Helen Pluckrose and Peter Boghossian
(notable for being one of Stefan Molyneux's most frequent guests) targeted as part of their
grievance studies grift.
The IDW has a tendency to get hysterical about anything controversial in Academia (
except for when the Koch brothers are involved) but James Lindsay, Major Grifter, is really over the top here, apparently claiming that "grievance studies" have been festering for fifty-plus years, waiting to metastasize "as it always intended to."

Maybe Lindsay is hoping for a senate subcommittee to investigate and to call forward fellow travelers to name names of those who have been nefariously planning for half a century to rot society from within.