For those who are not involved in Twitter, getting ratioed is what happens when there are significantly more comments than likes in response to your Tweet. In Shermer's case the ratio is 412 comments to 199 likes as of the time this screen cap was made. An almost exact 2:1 ratio.
The image Shermer so proudly shares is made of the photos from the original Bari Weiss article Meet the Renegades of the Intellectual Dark Web, turned into a collage.
In case you're keeping score, the members of the IDW in the image are, from left to right, Michael Shermer, Eric Weinstein, Heather Heying, Joe Rogan, Dave Rubin, Christina Hoff Sommers, Sam Harris and Bret Weinstein.
The IDW is so tolerant that Jordan Peterson has sued people for insulting him, so in favor of free speech Charlie Kirk advocated for Donald Trump to regulate tech companies over "viewpoint discrimination" and loves liberty so much that Christina Hoff Sommers and Dave Rubin never mention how they are supported by Charles Koch.
What the IDW actually stands for is the same as the editorial positions of Quillette: anti-trans, pro-nuke, Islamaphobic, anti-socialist, anti-left, anti-feminist, pro-race science and constantly banging the drum about free speech in Academia over rude college students while ignoring plutocrats buying themselves their own academic hacks.
Ultimately the IDW is about is the grift.